Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Wonderful Mother

We are way down south in Dixie, visiting our daughter, her husband and their two sons. We drove down last Saturday and will be here a few more days.
We participated in their family home evening Monday, which was much more structured than anything we managed when our kids were young. Their six year old conducted the meeting, and even, when prompted, welcomed the visitors! LOL
Every morning, during breakfast they've read scriptures together. The oldest boy just turned 10 and is in the 4th grade. He reads above his grade level, but then so did his mom, his dad and his uncle. Genetics may have something to do with it. The youngest just turned 6 and is in kindergarten. He also is able to read from the New Testament. I am just amazed.
Mom was reading the parable of the creditor who forgave the 50 pence and the 500 pence debts. Jesus asked Peter which one was more grateful. She stopped and asked the boys if they understood and to teach them compared it to them owing money... who would be more grateful.
The older boy said, I know what that's about. The creditor is Jesus, and the debts are sins. And when he forgave the debts, he was forgiving their sins. You could have knocked me over with a feather!
My daughter is a wonderful mother!!!


jennifer said...

Wow - what an inspiration. I'm sure you are just as wonderful a mother as your daughter - after all, where did she learn it from? ;)

nicole said...

Yep... she learned from the best!! How rewarding that must have been for you to watch her teach her children the truths that you once taught her. What a special experience for you. :)