Saturday, October 9, 2010

Done It Again

At this moment, there are three sets of five pound hand weights on my bedroom floor, under a table. There is an exercise ball, still in the box, a medicine ball with video training, and at least three exercise bands in the same place. Do I use them? NO, I DON'T!
Over many decades I've owned some exercise equipment. Two treadmills, an exercise bike and a stair-stepper come to mind. They were passed to me from my parents who also didn't use them. Over a certain amount of time, they became excellent clothes racks. Eventually they were passed on to others with good intentions.
I must confess... well, I mustn't confess but will, I am sometimes concerned at the level of inactivity in my life. I remember looking at my mother and thinking, "For crying out loud, the woman never gets out of her recliner!" She was about 70 when I first started thinking that. And here I am, not 70. Many days, I come home from work, sit down in the recliner, pull the laptop into my lap (go figure), pick up the remote control for the television and don't. get. up.
I should be going for nice long walks, enjoying the free gym that's available at my workplace, doing a few pushups every morning, yadda yadda yadda. But I don't. A variety of aches and pains make for great excuses, but with or without them, I don't.
Which brings me to today. Leaving the temple, we found that the lovely neighborhood across the street was having a community garage sale. Nothing like being spiritually fed and then browsing through strangers' junk with the hope of finding a hidden treasure. So there we were, driving around, and I spotted it! An exercise bike. Not a really tacky, half broken one but not a high end humongous one with 400 bells and whistles. We stopped, I got on it and it worked. Smoothly, without dropping me or making me feel like it would drop me. I would have haggled (although I don't like that very much) except the price had been dropped to $10. Ten. Dollars. We bought it, Ronald darling wrestled it into the back of the car with only a minor tear in the fabric on the interior roof of the car. We drove home with it sticking out of the hatchback, strapped shut, only vibrating slightly over the road.
We brought it in the house, not sure where to put it. Some furniture rearrangement in the bedroom will be involved. Right now, it sits in the living room. We've both been on it and realize that even without resistance, it can provide a much needed workout.
So, I've done it again, fallen victim to my good intentions. We'll see. I don't need another clothes rack. Wish me luck!


Mommo said...

What a great deal! I am glad you found it. Good luck on the fitness endeavor. I try to jump on that band wagon at times too. I usually go...kicking and screaming and jump off after a bit of time. Some people LOVE it....then there are people like us. ;) Good luck!

Jeannetta said...

I am OH so familiar with the clothes rack treadmill. Great deal on it, I hope it works better than the last few :D We're on our second, still it sits. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Good luck!